Sunday, May 22, 2016

How Do I Handle Objections?

First and foremost, how well you handle objections will be largely based on how you VIEW objections. Objections are frustrations or fears disguised as reasons to not get started now. You can also see them as questions or concerns. When someone is feeling pressured or isn’t ready to get started right away, they may throw up a reason (that they see as legitimate.) to not get started. IT’S OKAY!
Remember there are three types of people. 1). Skeptics 2). Cynics and 3). Players.
Skeptics and Cynics will have objections but Cynics objections are not overcome­-able! So when a skeptic has an objection, you want to view it as a serious question that may need to be answered. Skeptics questions are overcome-­able!
The most important thing, BY FAR in handling objections is to LISTEN. Take your time and ask them questions to learn more about what is behind his/her concern. Don’t just jump in and try and rebuttal it. See if you can really get what they don’t like or the question behind the question. Be patient with them and let them vent. Imagine you are one side of the table and they are on the other. You want to be on the same side of the table with them by acknowledging their concern. It’s okay to repeat it back to them. Here are a few examples:
THEM: “I had some friends that were burned in network marketing!”
YOU: “Wow! What happened??” (Then listen!)
THEM: “This sounds like a Pyramid!”
YOU: “Tell me what you know about pyramids…“ (Then LISTEN!)
THEM:“I’m not sure I have the time right now to do something like this…“
YOU: “Sounds like you have a lot going on and you are really busy with life!” (Then let them talk and LISTEN!)
THEM: “My wife makes all the financial decisions…“
YOU: “That’s great…so you really couldn’t do anything without your wife fully on­-board”
Again, take your time and ask questions to learn more. Really listen to what they are telling you. Sometimes just by listening, their attitude will shift. Don’t feel the need to jump in and “fix” the way they are feeling. Don’t try and correct them or make them wrong. Some of the sales tactics taught in the past are designed to put others down or shame them…in the long run these tactics will drive people away. If someone is not ready to get started now, I want them to feel comfortable coming back to me when they are ready. I am not afraid to ask them to get started, but if they give me an objection, I am prepared to walk away from them. It’s okay for you to tell them no first. In other words if they start hitting you with all kinds of reasons why this isn’t a good time for them, it’s okay to say,
“You know this is probably not a good fit for you right now!”
So assuming you are taking your time, asking questions and really listening and acknowledging their concerns, let’s take a look at the most common objections that come up and some ways you can help to inform them:
Pyramids are illegal. We are a network marketing company that follows FTC guidelines and the acceptable standard best practices of the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
ASK: Do you want to know the difference? 4 THINGS ­ 1). Is there a product of service that’s in demand (in other words would someone buy it whether it was offered through network marketing or not 2). Can you make more than the person that brought you in. If yes, then legal. If no, then illegal 3). Do you get paid for the sole act of recruiting? If yes, then illegal. It’s illegal to get paid for recruiting new distributors. 4). Front­-end loading ­- Are you encouraged to purchase products to promote or reach a higher percentage in the comp plan. If yes, then illegal. Buying large packages that are more than would be consumed is considered a questionable practice. Don’t say, “You mean like your job!!” It sounds cute and it has meaning to us, but it tends to put them down.
You may not have the time! That’s a legitimate concern. Or you may want to look at how you could carve out some time to build something for your future. For example have you considered how much money you’ll need to retire? If you make $50,000 per year, you’ll need about $2 million. How are you doing on that? OR If I could show you how to turn 5 hours a week of work into 100 hours of week of work without you having to work more, would it be worth looking at? If the answer is no, then just stay in touch with them!
“Neither am I!” Ask… “What don’t you like about sales? In other words, you don’t want to pressure your friends into doing something they don’t want to do! Would it be okay if I just SHOWED YOU and then you tell me if you could do the same thing. OK?”
“I wouldn’t want you to do it any other way! So what exactly are you saying?” Usually they are trying to hold you off for some reason. You want to find out why they are dragging their feet.
“Really? What are you comparing it to?” Let them talk. Then ask . . . “Can I give you some examples that may help you see it differently?” Talk about how much 1 vending machine costs ($2000). Talk about how much it costs to set up a Subway or 7­Eleven Franchise ($250,000) which offers no residual. You must hire employees. Your potential is restricted and you have geographic limitations. Plus you must buy inventory, pay leases, buy insurance and hire legal counsel. So $450 is a lot compared to what??
“That’s fine. Tell me what you are thinking? If you were to get started, and make a little money, how would you spend your first $3000 in income?”
“Anything offering this much potential does require some thought. If I play a 30 minute audio for you do you have time to listen?” (Play a recording about how to achieve any dream).
7. I DON’T HAVE $450 ­
“That’s okay… money is just a logistic. How many Facebook friends do you have?” Wait for an answer… “If you had some people that were ready to get started, could you figure out how to come up with the money?” Give them the texts and have them text 20 people in 20 minutes. “Let’s do a test market and see how you are going to do…” Then do some appointments and when they have 1­-3 people ready to go, their $450 will miraculously appear. lol
“Honestly I really can’t answer that question. First of all I am still getting paid for the work I did when I got started. Secondly, what I make has no bearing on what you make. You decide how big of a team and customer base YOU want to build and THAT will determine your income. If you do nothing you will make nothing. If you do a lot, you can make a lot. We have people making millions and people making nothing. Most likely you will fall somewhere in between.”
“I would prefer that you not bug your friends and family. That would be a turnoff! If I could show you a way to build this without annoying your friends and family, would you look?” Then just listen. Nothing we do will annoy anyone if presented effectively. The key is to always preserve the relationship. So anytime someone is feeling pressured, back off and honor their feelings.
“Well I do know that those that build a big team make a lot of money. If I could show you that even you could make money despite just now getting started would you want to take a look? There are many people that sign up after a companies 10th-­15th year and still make a lot of money. Do you want to learn about some of those people?”
“That’s great! Your bills are paid! Congrats… most people DON’T like their job but it sounds like you do!” I then tell a story or two about people that lost their job in their 50’s and can’t find work. I might say, “Just listen… do the presentation and show the money.” Sometimes that’s all it takes to get someone to see that an additional income stream could make a huge difference or provide a buffer in case something catastrophic happens. I sometimes mention that Harvey MacKay wrote a book called, “Dig your Well Before Your Thirsty!”
“What was your experience? What happened?” then LISTEN! I usually appeal to their common sense on this one. I say, you a personal question?” When they say, you in a relationship?” If they say no then I say “Then you are DONE with relationships forever??” They usually laugh or say, no. If they say “Yes” then I ask them if this is the only relationship they have EVER had? Again they laugh… just because one doesn’t work out doesn’t mean you can’t make one work. The same holds true for a job. So that logic doesn’t stack up!
When they lean in and ask positive questions, ask them if they want to get started. If they push back and resist, ask questions, listen and provide information. If you try and get someone started that is resisting, they will feel pressured. Looking for signs of interest. You can easily get someone started that is interested.
I have found that when someone doesn’t have 2 nickels to rub together, they will make up excuses to not get going. Be patient with those people. Sometimes they just need time to come up with the money. Other times, you need to show so much value that it’s just a no brainer for them to figure out how to find the money. People will jump through hoops to find the money when they see the potential for them! Sometimes people will come up with objections that aren’t the real objections. So sometimes what they tell you is a way to tell you “NO” and also save face. For example, they may not have the money and they don’t want to admit it. So they may say, “I have to think about it!” Or they might have a parent that has cancer and they just don’t want to talk about it so they may say, “I don’t have the time!”
So don’t take it too personal when you can’t overcome their objection. I usually am pretty gentle with people because I want them to come back to me when the time is right. I don’t want to piss them off or scare them away. At the same time, I will be direct and honest with them. I help people see things from a different point of view. Always listen and acknowledge. Put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes just by “understanding” them, they will come around quickly.
Objections are concerns or questions when they come from a skeptic. They may be smokescreens coming from someone that doesn’t want to open up to you. Or they may be hand grenades coming from a cynic. Be patient with people but at the same time after you acknowledge their situation, see if you can help them to view things differently.  If they resist then you loosen up. If they lean in, then ask them to get started. ðŸ™‚

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Former Sugarcane Worker, Now a Millionaire - Watch His Story!

A working student and a former sugarcane worker, Ryan Ricalde was able to reach his dreams through his efforts and decision to start his own business. But along his way, there were obstacles and challenges. For him, everything was not easy but that was not enough to discourage him for his dreams were much bigger than his frustrations. A proverb says that “Everything worth having, never comes easy” – and that was true to him. After 6 months of hard work, the seeds he planted started to grow. He was able to buy his first brand new car, house and lot, and was able to tour different countries together with his love ones. According to him, everything became possible because of hard work, dedication to his dreams, consistency and trust in God. What his achievements are, will be possible to you also. Watch this short video about his story.


Inquire Now and Learn More About AIM Global!

Monday, March 7, 2016



C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a breakthrough product from Nature’s Way, and is exclusively distributed by Alliance In Motion Global in Asia. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material used for encapsulating Complete is also made from Vegetables (Vegetarian Capsules or V-Caps) C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals utilizes Nanotechnology ,Phyto-Alkatech (for faster absorption) and Syner-tech (for a synergistic boost).
The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phytonutrients in one capsule using Nano Technology, a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level and allows the minerals to be delivered to the body in really small parcels, so potentially increasing its absorption through the walls of the gut and improving its take up by the body.
Formulated by 200 medical doctors, scientists and herbalists of Nature’s Way exclusively for Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (AIM Global) and distributed worldwide by AIM Global Networks of independent distributors.
Nutrients are better and more efficiently absorbed into the blood stream because of Phyto-Alkatech — A powerful complex of natural alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the alkalinity of this formulation. It uses Vegetarian V-Caps to protect and neutralize possible damage when it reaches the stomach; thus preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough natura-ceuticals. Upon reaching the small intestines capsule disintegrates after 15 minutes, thus delivering needed nutrients direct to the cells faster than other leading brands.


● Promotes longevity
● Lowers cholesterol
● Protects against heart disease and complications
● Helps prevent cancer of any origin
● Controls high-blood pressure
● Controls blood sugar
● Enhances and balances the metabolism
● Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
● Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system
● Increases the production of inherent glutathione in our body
● Rejuvenates the skin
● Regenerates liver cells
● Promotes healthy blood circulation
● Detoxifies the body
● Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety
● Enhances sexual vitality


12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
(Cranberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, Blackberry, Bilberry, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Papaya, Orange, Grape, Pineapple)
These fruits are juiced whole, peels and seeds included, because recent studies show’s that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.
12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
(Parsley, Kale, Spinach, Wheat Grass, Brussels, Asparagus, Garlic, Brocolli, Cauliflower, Beet, Carrot, Cabbage)
According to the World Health Organization, the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole, just like the fruits.
12 Healing Mushrooms
(Cordyceps, Reishi, Shitake, Hiratake, Maitake, yambushitake, Himematsutake, Kawaratake, Chaga, Zhu Ling, Agarikon, Mesima)
These 12 of the world’s most potent medicinal mushrooms are rich in Polysaccharides that helps prevent cancer and the spread and development of cancer cells. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan.
14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
(Spirulina, Alfalfa, Barley grass, Wheat grass, Lemon grass, Dandelion, Melissa, Nettle, Blessed Thistle, Plantain, Cilantro, Blue and Green Algae, Chlorella)
Chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment of the plant, was discovered as very beneficial because it is a good source of antioxidant. Spirulina is also called as a “Complete Food” by the World Health Organization.
10 Essential Fatty Acids
This is highly concentrated source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) made with unique ingredients (flax seeds as source of Omega-3, and sunflower seeds as source of Omega-6, both of which are essential fats needed by the body) which most people lack in their diet. EFAs help with the proper development and functioning of brain and nervous system.
12 Digestive Enzymes
This special enzymes blend helps restore most of the natural enzymes of whole foods to the diet. These special proteins are tailored to breakdown food into nutrients that the body can easily digest and absorb, thus help alleviate digestion-related discomforts and reduce the potential for other illnesses.
29 Vitamins/Minerals/Trace Mineral
(Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, etc.)
Our body can not produce vitamins. That is why we need food supplements. According to studies, vitamins are more effective when it has minerals along with it because it has a “synergistic effect”, where one won’t function effectively without the other. It allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.
18 Amino Acids
These are the building blocks of protein. Since the body is all made up of protein, naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
C24/7 enhances memory as it has Brain Boosters. This is also effective against clogged arteries and veins, and it promotes healthy blood circulation. These specialty nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.
5 Anti-aging/Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
Cysteine Hydrochloride - An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover).
Coenzyme Q-10 - Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan.
Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots.
Grape Skin Extract - An excellent source of Resveratrol.
Corsitine - A very powerful anti-oxidant.
4 Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend Longevity Polyphenols
Japanese Knotweed - An excellent source of Resveratrol.
Premium Red Wine Extract - Lengthens human Lifespan.
Grape Seed Extract - An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan.
Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) - Lengthens human Lifespan.
Anti-Aging Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
Cysteine Hydrochloride - An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover).
Coenzyme Q-10 - Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan.
Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots.
Grape Skin Extract - An excellent source of Resveratrol.
Corsitine - A very powerful anti-oxidant.


Mr. Vergilio Legarde

Monday, February 29, 2016

Henry Sy Success Story: Father of Philippine Retail (Philippines Richest Man)

Henry Sy, Sr. is the richest man in the Philippines, according to Forbes Magazine on their 2015 survey. His net worth is $11.4 billion in 2014 to $14.2 billion in 2015, thus making him the 73th wealthiest person in the world. Henry Sy, Sr. is known for his legacy in retail merchandising and establishing all around the country the  chain of SM Department Stores, SM Supermarkets, SM Mall of Asia, SM Megamall, the glamorous SM Aura Premier and more. But among Filipinos, Henry Sy, Sr. is more than a figure of prosperity and hard work. He is also a symbol of national pride and source of inspiration to anyone who wants to be successful in life.

Shares of his holding firm, SM Investments, is considered the country’s most valuable company. Henry Sy, Sr. is also the chairman of SM Foundation, Inc. who dedicates its projects in charitable works in providing education for underprivileged Filipinos. 

It has always fascinated not only Filipinos but also foreign business people in learning more about Henry Sy, Sr.’s business strategies and his inspirational life story. Anywhere you go, there is an SM store nearby with majestic facades of lights, fountains, artistic building design and the famous “SM” logo. Although his stores are very modern and vibrant, every Filipino knows that the giant business empire of SM stores has a humble beginning. 
Simplicity and Common Sense
Henry Sy, Sr. was born on 25th of December 1924 at Xiamen, China. He is a Chinese-Filipino. At age 12, his family settled in the Philippines. At that young age, he worked in a small retail store (called “sari-sari” store) owned by his father where they sell anything from food to basic items. He worked 12 hours each day to help his father. Back then, the store was located at Echague Street, now named Carlos Palanca Sr. Street in Quiapo, Manila.
Early on, Henry Sy’s business strategy was nothing fancy but brilliant. He wanted to find ways to earn more in that setup, thus he came up with the concept of selling items in small portions. It was a practical and fast way to sell products. This concept resembles the small packs or products in sachets we now see in supermarkets or small “sari-sari” stores. Most of his childhood revolved around selling in his father’s store rather than enjoying his childhood. Unfortunately, during World War II their store was destroyed. This event in his early years did not stop him from being business-minded and optimistic. He got involved in buying and selling anything of worth in order for his family to survive. Sometimes it is during difficult times that we shine our best and we learn the true meaning of perseverance and optimism. Experience is also a great teacher.
One time, he was unfortunately hit by a shrapnel while selling. It was a good thing his friend, who was a pushcart vendor, saved him and brought him to the hospital. Because of this near-death experience, he valued that friendship. After the war, he made this friend his partner in a shoe business.
When the war ended (1945), he got involved with selling imported American shoes from business-minded American GI soldiers. This inspired him to open a shoe store with his friend. Eventually, he was managing three shoe stores with his business partner.
Meanwhile, as a student in FEU (Far Eastern University, Manila)  and a family man at the same time in the early ’50s, he studied the market of his chosen industry. Henry Sy, Sr. wanted to find innovative ways to improve his trade. Therefore he went to the US at the East Coast and found ideas and inspiration that he needed in selling shoes and other leather goods, thus the birth of a store called “Shoe Mart” or “SM”. “Shoe Mart” which was the first air-conditioned shoe store. This store was successful and thus more stores were opened.
His problem that time was lack of adequate supply of products to meet the growing demand of customers. This problem lead him to focus on selling apparels and other products with the help of his mother.
What is admirable about his approach to business was his common sense and open-mindedness. He takes time to listen to customers, suppliers and employees and then he learns from people’s opinions. Using this gathered information from different people and being observant of market trends, he was later inspired to start a department store chain.
The first department store was launched in 1972. At that time, it was Martial Law in the country and this presented a lot of business obstacles for him as it was a time of political and social chaos and economic decline. But obstacles and limitations did not stop Henry Sy, Sr. from pursuing his passion to expand his business. Despite the situation during Martial Law period, he continued to open more department stores in the country. This, however, presented the problem of getting the space needed for the business.
As contingency plan, he had been considering a long-term goal of investing in properties for malls. To simplify it, rather than being a tenant of a space for a shop, there would be less problems if one would own the space itself where one’s shop is located. Further on, perhaps if one’s property is big enough, it can expand into offering rent space for other independent stores. The concept was simple and practical.
In 1983, there were more obstacles like the economic crisis that got worse after the assassination of Ninoy Aquino. At that year, the first mall began its construction. It seems like a bad year to start big projects as many investors and bankers were skeptical to join or finance his projects. Once more, Henry Sy, Sr.’s optimism and determination remained his weapon and shield during hard times. In 1985, a new department store and supermarket were launched. It was on the same year when his company had to face labor problems and union strikes. This tested his optimism and determination further. He had many reasons to give up on his venture but moral support from family, good employees and customers were there to keep him strong.
Further on, he continued his plans for business expansion with the construction of SM Sta. Mesa and SM Megamall. The plans were big and optimism was great but every step was slow and difficult. There were many factors that brought about construction delays like lack of supply of cement and the 1989 coup in Makati.
Despite all these opposing factors, SM City Sta. Mesa opened on the 28th of September 1990. It has 200 shops and restaurants and became a new social venue at Sta. Mesa, Manila.
SM Megamall, located at the Ortigas Center, opened its main building on the 28th of June 1991. The Mega Atrium of SM Megamall opened on 28th of October 2008 and the new Carpark C on 11th of October 2011. SM Megamall is one of the largest SM Supermalls created by SM Prime Holdings, the largest mall operator in the Philippines owned by Henry Sy, Sr.  SM Megamall is a huge shopping mall originally with two buildings (Building A and B, but now expanding with Building C and Carpark D). Land area is around 21 hectares with 750 shops and 250 dining establishments. It has a maximum capacity of 4 million people.
But going back to Henry Sy, Sr.’s life story, his daughter Teresita Sy-Coson narrates,
“When the 1997 Asian crisis came, we were planning our mall expansion, including the Mall of Asia, which was then envisioned to be the biggest mall in the region.
Because my dad felt the tsunami-like effects of the region wide crisis, which was unlike any other he had experienced, we had to change plans. We deferred opening the Mall of Asia, and went on with the opening of other malls.
We grew in numbers instead of size, serving different smaller markets. We have also expanded our retail business beyond department stores to include supermarkets, hardware stores, appliance superstores and other retail formats.”
Joining the Banking Industry
Henry Sy, Sr. also joined the banking industry. He owns a bank called “Banco de Oro” which started as a medium-sized bank but very stable. Being a medium-sized bank with a conservative business principle was an advantage as it prevented them from being victimised by bad loans during the economic instability at that time.
Eventually, he and his group decided to be courageous with their banking strategy.  Sometimes taking bold steps and taking risks are ways for a business to grow, thus a new and improved BDO around year 2000.
“Encouraged by the consolidation program of Central Bank of the Philippines in making Philippine banks more competitive relative to the region, Banco De Oro made few acquisitions because of the moratorium on banking. It acquired the Dao Heng Philippines branch, the First eBank, the Banco Santander Philippines branch, the United Overseas Bank branches and most recently – Equitable PCI Bank,” according to Teresita Sy-Coson.
She further explains her father’s banking principle, “Opportunity is where you find it, not where it finds you. Crisis and weakness indicate one can look for opportunities. Transforming problems into opportunities can bring good returns. Prosperity and growth come only to a business that systematically exploits its potentials and systematically optimizes its performances.
Our business – especially that of shopping centres is a long term business. It takes at least eight years to pay back. We feel that the country will always be around, and with Filipinos’ love for shopping, there will always be customers we can sell to.”
Today BDO Unibank, Inc. (Banco de Oro or BDO) is one the largest banks in the Philippines. This is owned by SM Group of Companies, one of the country’s largest conglomerates owned by Henry Sy, Sr.
Taking One Step At A Time for Giant Dreams
On the 21st of  May 2006, SM Mall of Asia was opened. It is located at the Bay City, Pasay near SM Central Business Park and the Manila Bay. This is the second largest mall in the Philippines (SM City North EDSA as the 1st), the 3rd largest shopping mall in Asia, and considered the 4th largest shopping mall in the world. Land area is around 42 hectares.
On the 17th of May 2013, the newest, the most elegant and the most exciting shopping center of SM Prime Holdings was opened. The shop is called “SM Aura Premier” located at Bonifacio Global City, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, along McKinley Parkway and C5 Road. It has a floor area of 249,861 square meters.
As of today, SM Aura Premier has 388 stores. This mall has a multi-level green roof (designed for environmental advantages) called the “SkyPark”. Other features include the fresco bars, restaurants, sculpture and botanical gardens, a performance hall with 1,100 seats (Samsung Hall) and a 250-seat chapel named after the newly canonised Filipino saint, St. Pedro Calungsod.
SM Aura got its name from the elements Au (gold) and Ra (radium), related with good luck and prosperity in Chinese feng shui and numerology. Elemental gold has an atomic number of 79, while radium’s atomic number is 88. According to Hans Sy, the numbers 7, 8 and 9 are good luck numbers. Hans Sy is the second son of Henry Sy, Sr. and First Executive Vice President of SM Investment Corporation.
I also see that 79 is an odd number, thus representing “movement” and “progress” in Chinese numerology. The number 88 represents double good luck since the number 8 represents infinite prosperity in Chinese culture. The future looks bright for SM Aura based on these numbers.
SM Aura has 1,771 parking slots with additional bicycle paths. The design team of SM Aura includes the “Arquitectonica” from Miami and “EDGE” from Sydney.
In A Nutshell
The business empire of SM store chain is more than a venue for fun shopping, fine dining and social events. Every SM store that we see is a representation of Filipino business ingenuity, stability, resilience during hard times and optimism despite the uncertain future. These are things that we can learn from Henry Sy, Sr.’s example.
In my opinion, you know that you are in a good place in the Philippines if there is an SM Department Store or SM Supermarket in that area. Why is it so? Most people would agree that even on rural and underdeveloped provinces in the country, once an SM branch is built there, life automatically changes for all, a change for the better. There are now more than 30 SM branches around the country.
From his journey during pre-war Manila, then his first shoe store in October 1958, and then the opening of the first SM Department Store in 1972 in downtown Manila, all the way to last month’s opening of SM Aura Premier, we can learn so much from Henry Sy, Sr.’s life story and business principles. His life story of struggles, survival and victory is an inspiration to every Filipino and even international business people.
Here are more wise quotes about business and common sense from the richest man in the Philippines.
  • “My basic strategy is to stick to my core business, and to my area of expertise. My businesses are all related to retail, shopping centers, banking, real estate and tourism development. Together they create synergy.”” –
  • ““There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again. When you do well, do not change your ways.”
  • “Success is not just good luck. It is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness, and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it.”
Henry Sy, Sr.’s List of Awards:
  • Management Man of the Year” by the Makati Business Club – 1999
  • Honorary Doctorate in Business Management by De La Salle University in January 1999
  • Forbes magazine Heroes of Philanthropy 2009
  • 1st Chinese-Filipino recipient of the PCE Big Brother of Filipino Entrepreneurs award (2006)
  • 1st Chinese-Filipino recipient of the PRA President’s Award (2005)
Are You Being Inspired By The Success Story Of Henry S
The Richest Man in the Philippines?
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It’s Great to meet you my New Friend. Let me know how I can add value to you or your Business!
May you reach all your dreams and aspirations in life,You only got one shot in this thing called Life,
Give your best and Go for it!
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Your Unstoppable Soaring Success Friend,

Roy Tabayocyoc